Issue 31

Working Penarth's Court Yard      watercanPair

Sunflower-blue-SkyWhen I was moved to Penarth Ward last year the courtyard was in a bit of a mess.  So, as I have done previously on other wards, I set to weeding, digging, pruning and moving the good plants.  By April it was a lot tidier and with help from Richard (OT Tech) we cut down the overgrown shrubs and sowed seeds which are now growing well. The ward bought plants and we painted the courtyard furniture. By mid-June the roses and several other plants are flowering well.  By next month everything should be in full bloom.  All that is required now is jet-spraying the slabs! I enjoy gardening so I get full satisfaction in what is produced.  And it's not just for me, it's for everybody.  Gardening is good for your health!

The sun has got it's hat on.
